$85,000 3 bed, 1.5 bath, $85,000 - 3br in Riverside, California

3 bed, 1.5 bath, $85,000 - 3br
Price: $85
Type: Houses for sale
State: California  City: Riverside  Category: Houses for sale
Houses for sale in California
This ad is older than 2 months.
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Great Investment Opportunity! 3 Bedrooms, 1.5 baths, good size living room, pool. Large patio. Big gated front yard with nice porch and fruit trees. Needs TLC but has a lot of potential. Property willl not qualify for FHA or Conventional financing. Cash or Rehab loan only. To get pre-qualified please call David Lara at (949) 306-xxxx or email at (click to respond), NMLS #xxxx55.Listing originally posted at http